Out Of Ideas

writers block, writing, blogging, writing inspiration, blog inspiration, writer, paper, frustrated The real reason why I haven’t written in the past few days – and why I have been writing less over the past few weeks – is that I have writers’ block.  Plain and simple.  I apologize.  Truly, I do.

So I am trying to think of ideas, but each idea is boring.  Or I’ve spoken about it too much.  Or it sounds too negative.  Or something.

I am my own biggest critic.

I think.

*     *     *     *     *

Yesterday was [Shushan] Purim, for all of us in Jerusalem and a few other cities.  On Purim, people send gifts of food to friends.  In our opinion, this gets overdone a lot.  And, who needs a lot of candy that has to be finished within the month prior to Pesach?  No one, that’s who.  So, we don’t do candy.mishloach manot, mishloach manos, purim, shushan purim, purim baskets, purim basket, purim gift, purim gifts,

On the other hand, sending the same thing two years in a row is boring.  So I took someone else’s idea from last year, and we made a made a salad (lettuce, cucumbers, peppers) and salad dressing (creamy French).  We bought pita, put them in sandwich bags in pairs, and put each pair into a bowl (not disposable).  We wrapped them in cellphane, attached a note, and we were done.  Oh, and the salad dressing we put into disposable aluminum muffin pans (that’s what the store had) and sealed it with tin foil.

It was actually much prettier than I thought it would be, and I had wanted to take a picture.  But, guess what?  I forgot.  We didn’t have time, and then I thought we’d do it on the way to my cousins’.  And then I forgot.  Oops.  I apologize.  But they were beautiful.  Really.

The rest of Purim was nothing special.  Purim is not my favorite holiday.  A lot to do in one day, a lot of pressure, and it’s usually still during winter time, so the day is short.  And that is leaving out my least favorite part of the day, which I will not mention so as not to ‘hang our dirty laundry for all to see.’  Because my least favorite part of Purim is truly dirty laundry.  If you know what it is, shhh!

5 thoughts on “Out Of Ideas

  1. Please don’t stop writing. I live in the United States an teach World Geography. Your blog has given me a tremendous amount of insight into your faith and life in Israel. For example when you wrote about haircuts you mentioned your wig. I had forgotten that Orthodox women cover their hair, but couldn’t remember why. Could you explain that for me?


  2. Keep going… I think you could write about going to buy milk, where you live, your neighbourhood, what you see looking out the window and it would ALL sounds interesting. You are amazingly insightful! You go girl!


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